
Part List

Item OEM Brake Parts Description US Part # Number Required
1 1314-100 Pin for 1" Panel
2 17-207-16 Magnet Frame
4 16-1551-2 Neoprene Washer
5 16-1944-2 Steel Washer
6 69-2441 Spring
7 51-979 Core
8 23-1289-3 Contact Support Complete
9 911-5890Z Screw
10 16-426 Brass Washer
11 23-1225 Contact
12 73-1268 Arc Guard
13 911-5892Z Contact Screw
14 624-594 Contact Lever w/Connector
15 24-1330-2 Contact Lever with Arc Guard
16 24-1330 Contact Lever w/o Arc Guard
17 13-3961 Shaft
18 69-2376 Spring
19 916-1121Z Washer
20 29-541 Spring Ring
21 13-593 Adjusting Pin
22 16-253 Brakelite Washer
23 13-164 Shaft
24 624-592 Armature Lever
25 969-887] Spring
26 14-541 Adjusting Stud
27 4416-841 Insulating Washer
28 114262 Screw
29 6-168-35 Set of Contacts
37 911-5890Z Screw
38 62-236-5 Contact Support Complete
39 911-5890Z Screw
40 14-256-12 Stud for 1" Panel
41 9-460-163 Blowout Coil
42 79-891 Support
43 17-2294 Base
44 11-1249-2 Screw
45 17-2291 Base R.H
45 17-2292 Base L.H
46 79-1677 Bracket
47 62-98 Pole Piece
48 17-2295 Side Plate
49 29-1127 Spacer
50 25-991 Connector
51 62-235 Arc Shield Complete
52 73-268 Arc Shield (Right Half)
52 73-267 Arc Shield (Left Half)
53 73-243 Arc Shield
54 62-99 Arc Horn
55 17-1250 Side Plate



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