
Part List

Item OEM Brake Parts Description US Part # Number Required
1 50908-238-01 Magnet Case Cover
4 50908-254-01 Terminal Shield
6 29005-79645 Bearing
8 21008-06120 Drive Screw
10 50908-241-50 Base and Magnet Case Assembly
11 50908-237-50 Armature Assembly
12 29005-72600 Bearing
13 50908-231-50 Centering Bracket Assembly
14 50901-010-20 Centering Spring
18 50903-407-05 Latch Pin
19 29907-04810 "E" Ring
20 50901-010-18 Latch Pin Spring
22 50908-232-50 Connecting Rod Assembly
23 50903-405-04 Spring Seat
24 50901-010-14 Operating Spring
25 50908-227-50 Yoke Assembly
26 50908-141-01 Calibration Plate
27 50908-215-50 Manual Release Nut Assembly
30 50901-010-15 Connecting Rod Spring
31 50903-401-13 Pin
32 50903-402-04 Locking Pin
34 50908-101-50 Shoe Assembly
35 50903-808-56 Shoe Linging Kit
36 50908-246-50 Outboard Shoe Lever Assembly
37 50908-411-50 Nut & Washer Assembly
38 50908-109-01 Adjusting Nut
40 50903-404-05 Lining Wear Indicator
41 50908-243-50 Inboard Shoe Lever Assembly
42 50908-249-50 Connecting Rod Lever
43 50908-224-50 Connecting Link Assembly
44 50903-401-23 Pin
45 50908-139-01 Armature Gap Indicator
48 50903-814-57 Self-Adjusting Shoe Mechanism Kit
52 50908-259-01 Connecting Rod
55 50903-415-06 Crank Pin
56 50908-263-50 Crank Assembly
57 50908-261-01 Ratchet Rod
58 29013-02160 Connecting Rod End Bearing
60 50901-003-02 Spring
61 50908-154-50 Star Wheel Stop Nut Assembly
62 50908-161-01 Ratchet Rod Guide
64 50907-156-01 Spacer
65 50907-165-50 Ratchet Rod End w/Bearings



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