Shop > GE


Part List

Item OEM Brake Parts Description US Part # Number Required
* 282A888P1 Spring Seat
1 1D181G100 Coil
1 1D181G113 Coil
1 1D181G114 Coil
1 1D181G108 Coil
1 1D181G001 Coil
1 1D181G111 Coil
1 1D181G105 Coil
1 1D181G101 Coil
1 1D181g102 Coil
1 1D181G103 Coil
1 1D181G104 Coil
1 1D181G107 Coil
1 1D181G109 Coil
1 1D181G110 Coil
1 1D181G112 Coil
1 1D181G106 Coil
4 171C230G15 Frame Front
5 171C230G16 Frame Rear
05A¾ 282A872P6 Tie Stud
05B 229B790P12 Spacer for Tie Stud
6 171C266G24 Yoke with Bushings
7 573A608P9 Bushing for Yoke
8 171C223P1 Brake Shoe
9 305A4800P6 Lining & Support Plate
10 282A875P12 Clamp for Lining
11 282A875P6 Clamp for Lining
12 N93P33024 Screw
13 287A121P6 Bearing Pin for RH Yoke
14 N200P45 Nut for Bearing Pin
15 287A122P6 Bearign Pin for LH Yoke
16 282A763P5 Seal
17 282A770P11 Thrust Washer
18 577A124P4 Set Screw for Brake Shoe
19 282A862P6 Friction Plug for Brake Shoe
20 5144464P1 Spring for Friction Plug
20 2418884P1 Spring for Firction Plug
21 282A869P7 Guide Pin for Spring
22 N908P237B Retain Ring for Friction Plug
24A 138A1173P6 Pivot Arm for Yoke
25 287A120P6 Pivot Pin for Yoke
33A 138A1174P6 Spring Strip for Pivot Arm
33B 138A1178P6 Backing Strip
33C N22P29036B6 Screw Fastening Spring Strip
33D 104B9965P6 Support for Pivot Arm
33E N21P33024 Screw
33F 138A1175P6 Guide for Pivot Arm
33G N21P33032 Adjustable Screw for Pivot Arm
33H N21P325028 Adjusting Screw
34 104B9964P6 Tie Rod
35 138A1177G1 Spacer for Tie Rod
36 5144473P1 Compression Spring
37 285A820P1 Spring Seat
38 285A839P6 Rocker Pin
39 233B565P5 Nut for Tie Rod
40 N72P2310B6 Set Screw¾¾
41 577A129P12 Tube
42 285A820P1 Spring Seat
43 287A125P6 Stainless Steel Rocker Pin
43 138A1191P6 Stainless Steel Rocker Pin
43 138A1176P6 Rocker Pin
44 N227P43 Tie Rod Nut
46 229B796G6 Armature with¾Bushings
47 573A608P10 Bushing¾for Armature
48 577A124P4 Set Screw for Armature
50 282A879P1 Spring Seat
51 N21P29032 Screw
52 287A123P1 Bearing Pin¾¾
53 N206P45B Nut for Bearing Pin
53 N200P45 Nut for Bearing Pin
54 282A775P6 Dust Cap
55 N57P21008B Screw
56 111C9021P1 Magnet Frame
57 577A190P13 Screw
58 282A867P3 manual-Release Rod
59 282A760P1 Armature Gap Indicator
60 N22P39064B6 Hinge Screw
61 N530P1008B6 Drive Screw
62 5144457P1 Spring, Outer
62 5144458P1 Torque Spring, Inner
62 5144457P1 Torque Spring, Outer
64 282A755P1 Retainer
65 282A768P6 Adjusting Screw
66 978B347P4 Magnet Core
66A 282A852P4 Shim
67 138A2586P2 Retainer for Magnet Coil
68 282A861P5 Stud for Magnet Core
69 394B590P1 Back Plate, Inner
69 394B563P1 Back Plate, Outer
70 N93P39096 Screw
71 218A6420G5 Conduit Cover



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