
Part List

Item OEM Brake Parts Description US Part # Number Required
* J-6693 Knuckle Bushing
* J-6694 Eye Bolt Bushing
* J-2686 Shoe Centering Spring
* J-8128 Centering Spring Arm
* J-87249 Shoe Centering Lock Kit
* J-6528 Friction Plug Spring
* J-6876 Friction Plug
1 J-9637 Knuckle & Bushing
2 J-10068 Eye Bolt & Bushing
3 J-1768 Lever
4 J-73929 Pin
5 J-8135 Return Spring
6 J-6696 Pin
7 J-7905 1-1/8 Actuating Cylinder
8 J-6873 Pin
9 J-2937 Shoe Arm
10 J-73930 Pin Kit
11 J-2935 Base
12 J-1276 Undrilled Lining
13 J-1803 Shoe with Bonded Lining
14 J-2936 Shoe Arm
15 J-73928 Pin Kit
16 J-2932 Wagner Brake Assembly



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